UI/UX Case Study

The purpose of this notion is to document my problem solving approach and findings of my research to tackle this assignment. The duration of this task was 3 days.

Problem Statement

<aside> 💡 Build a premium App for Founder’s & Leaders to manage their day-to-day schedule, manage tasks, documents & meetings. Also should have ability to create, manage & update tasks.


My process


Research is the most important part of my (and ideally everyone’s) design process. Knowing what problems to solve helps to create practical and implementable solutions.

Asking the right questions, I got a better understanding of this project:

  1. What are the most pressing pain points for founders and leaders in managing tasks and schedules?
  2. What features are absolutely essential versus those that are nice-to-have?
  3. How can we create a seamless and frustration-free onboarding experience?
  4. What design elements will make the app feel both modern and user-friendly?
  5. What motivates users to stick with the app and not abandon their goals?

Know thy customer: Interviews and surveys 📝

To understand the problem, I reached out to several of my friends and connections to understand the pain points and their expectations from an ULTIMATE OMEGA CHARIZARD todo app. This initial interview helped me create a questionnaire survey. The results are below:

User Research (1).jpg

Some important key points from this survey: